A 20-Minute Dance Sculpt-Inspired Workout for Your Entire Body

This dance sculpt-inspired workout builds strength, cardio, balance and coordination.
Image Credit: Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/GettyImages

If you've been feeling uninspired by your typical workout sessions lately, it's time to shake it up — literally — with some dance-sculpt inspired moves.


If you're not entirely sure what a dance sculpt workout is, allow us to explain. Created by former Australian ballet dancer Natasha Vujic, Dance Sculpt is a dance fitness studio based in Canberra, Australia, that combines strength and cardio into one fun dance class workout. This concept has since spread to fitness studios all over the world.

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To get this same type of dance workout at home, we put together a 20-minute dance-sculpt inspired routine that'll work your entire body and release some much-needed endorphins.

Plus, this type of exercise will help improve your coordination and balance, too, which can prevent falls and stay active and independent as you age. Perhaps the best part, it's low-impact, so it's perfect for people of all fitness levels or who can't put a ton of stress on their joints and muscles. (But get the OK from your doctor before starting a new form of exercise, like this one!)

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How to Do This Workout

First, choose a music playlist with songs that reach 110 to 120 beats per minute (bpm). Performing the following exercises to the beat of the music will challenge you to keep the pace — and what's a dance workout without music, anyway?


Do each exercise on the right side of your body for 1 minute each, and immediately move into the next exercise for a total of 10 minutes. Take a 30- to 60-second break and repeat entire sequence on the left side of your body. The goal is to flow through each move seamlessly to mimic a dance routine. And if you want to put a little pep in your step with each move, we're here for it!

Things You'll Need

  • 2 5-pound weights

  • An exercise mat

1. Biceps Press Out and Reach

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and core engaged. If your foot position feels uncomfortable, adjust them to be wider or closer together.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms and forearms facing up and elbows bent at 90 degrees. Your elbows should touch your sides.
  3. Press the weights out and up to shoulder height.
  4. Open your arms out to the side while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
  5. Close your arms, then return to starting position.
  6. Repeat for 60 seconds.

2. Biceps Serve to Triceps Kickback

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and core engaged. If your foot position feels uncomfortable, adjust them to be wider or closer together.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms and forearms facing up and elbows bent at 90 degrees.
  3. Rotate your body to the right slightly. Bend your right leg slightly and keep your left leg straight.
  4. Extend your right arm out in front of you (almost like you're serving something on a platter to someone). Squeeze your biceps on your right arm.
  5. In one swift motion, lean forward and bend your right elbow and extend your right arm back behind you — this is the triceps kickback. Squeeze your triceps on your right arm.
  6. Lift your torso up and extend your right arm back out in front of you to perform the biceps serve.
  7. Repeat.

3. Sumo Squat to Lunge

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out at a 45-degree angle. If your foot position feels uncomfortable, adjust them to be wider or closer together.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing out, and extend your arms out to your sides.
  3. Keeping your back straight, push your hips back and bend your knees out over your toes to squat down. Lower until your your thighs are parallel to the floor (or as low as you can go).
  4. While staying low, pivot your feet and rotate your torso to the right. Bring your left arm to meet your right arm. Both arms should now be straight out in front of you and you should be in a lunge position, right leg in front.
  5. Bend both knees and drop toward the floor with control. Keep lowering until your back knee is about an inch off the ground (or as low as comfortable).
  6. Returning back to your upright standing position. Rotate to the left to return to sumo squat position.
  7. Perform a sumo squat, then repeat the lunge sequence on the left side.

4. Static Lunge With Forward Raise

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Stand upright on your right leg with your right foot planted on the floor. Extend your left leg straight behind you, driving your left toes into the ground.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, arms down at your sides.
  3. Bend both knees and drop toward the floor with control. Keep lowering until your back knee is about an inch off the ground (or as low as comfortable). Keep your chest tall, but some forward lean is OK.
  4. At the same time, raise your arms in front of you to about eye level, palms facing each other. Keep your arms straight.
  5. Finish the rep by driving off the floor and returning back to your upright standing position. Lower your arms back to your sides.
  6. Repeat.

Related Reading

5. Biceps Press Out With Single-Leg Tap In

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. From a standing position, lean your torso forward slightly and put all your weight on your left leg. Extend your right leg behind you, driving your left toes into the ground. Your left leg should be slightly bent and your right leg should be straight.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, palms and forearms facing up and elbows straight.
  3. Keeping your weight in your left leg, tap your right leg forward. Your right foot should be in line with your left foot, right knee bent and right toes on the ground.
  4. At the same time you tap your right leg forward, bend your elbows and bring them back and in toward your ribs.
  5. Return back to starting position by tapping your right foot back and extending your elbows.
  6. Repeat.

6. Single-Leg Deadlift With Overhead Press and Balance

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, a slight bend in both knees.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms in, arms at your sides.
  3. Engage your core and simultaneously press your butt back and hinge your hips forward, extending your left leg behind you. Press your right foot into the ground while doing so, and keep your right leg slightly bent.
  4. Hinge forward and continue lowering until your torso is parallel to the ground or you feel a pull in your glutes and hamstrings (whichever comes first).
  5. As you lower your torso toward the ground, lower the weights toward the middle of your shins.
  6. Press into your right foot, squeeze your glutes and reverse the movement to return back to the standing start position while maintaining balance on your right leg.
  7. Without putting your left foot down on the floor, drive your left knee up toward your waist while you press the weights up overhead.
  8. Return to starting position and repeat.

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7. Kneeling Lean to Kick

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Begin in a half-kneeling position by stepping your right foot forward and bending your right knee to 90 degrees. Your right knee should face out laterally. Your left (back) knee should be bent on the floor.
  2. Lean into your right (front) leg, then press away into a modified side plank position where your left knee is down on the floor, your left hand is on the floor supporting your weight, your right leg is extended straight out to the side and your right hand is on your hip.
  3. Bring your right foot down to the ground and return to starting position. Repeat.

8. Kneeling Oblique Crunch and Balance

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Start in a modified side plank position with your left hand and left knee on the ground. Extend your right leg straight out to the side, creating one long line with your body. Lift your right arm straight above your head so you biceps are next to your ears.
  2. Tuck your right knee into your chest. At the same time, bend your right elbow to meet your right knee.
  3. At the same time, extend your right leg and right arm back to starting position. Repeat.

9. Bird Dog With Hamstring Curl

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Holding a dumbbell on each hand, get on your hands and knees with your hands directly in line with your shoulder and knees in line with your hips.
  2. Let go of the dumbbell you're holding in your left hand and reach your left arm straight out in front of you until your upper arm is in line with your ear.
  3. At the same time, reach your right leg straight behind you, fully extending your knee.
  4. Tuck your left arm and right leg in so your left elbow meets your right knee.
  5. Extend your left arm and right leg.
  6. Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle and reach your left arm back behind you to tap your right foot.
  7. Return to extended bird dog position (left arm and left leg extended) and repeat.

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10. Side Plank With Skullcrusher and Reach-Through

Sets 2
Time 1 Min
  1. Lie on your left side with your legs and feet stacked on top of each other. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, your right arm straight above your head.
  2. Prop yourself up on your left forearm.
  3. Keeping your knees straight, stiffen your torso and lift your hips off the ground, balancing on your forearm and outer foot.
  4. Hinge at your right elbow, bringing the dumbbell down toward the side of your head. Straighten your elbow to return your right arm to its starting position.
  5. Keeping the dumbbell close to your body, "thread” your right arm under your chest so your torso twists forward.
  6. Return to starting position and repeat.